Hi, I’m Amy!
I’m a data scientist who is a big fan of predictive modeling and data viz. I currently work mainly in Python to build podium probabilities and other interesting predictions for Canadian Olympic teams! I’m also learning a lot about Bayesian stats by taking Richard McElreath’s course “Statistical Rethinking” in R and exploring some deep learning with Andrew Ng’s Coursera courses.
Read About my Projects
You can find the repos for these projects on my github As I’ve been learning more about different types of models, I thought, why not try to see how I can use logistic regression to classify my dear cat Goldie. Here’s a bit of info about how I made my first ever website with zero prior experience.Logistic Regression: Goldie Versus The World
Making my site with HUGO
Work Highlights
These are a few of my favourite topics I’ve worked on:
- monte carlo simulations
- Olympics podium pathways
- webscraping
- gradient boosted trees
Current studies and interests
- Statistical rethinking, Richard McElreath
- Deep learning specialization course, Andrew Ng
- Predictive modelling
- Bayesian stats
- data visualization